Collaborating with Chance and the Essence of Street Photography

I subscribe to more podcasts than I can keep up with. This past week I’ve been working on catching up on some from B&H Photography. One episode that I thoroughly enjoyed is this conversation with Amy Touchette and Gus Powell.

Collaborating with Chance and the Essence of Street Photography

“I’m trying to say yes to something” is how Gus described each press of the shutter when shooting on the street. This is such a wonderful way to explain my favorite part of the process.  Amy shared a great statement from Diane Arbus who talks about photography as”being a condition of being on the brink of conversion to anything.”The combination of both, trying to say yes while being open to whatever you may encounter is so crucial to success as a street photographer. We do not and cannot know what is going to happen but we have to be open and willing to see, engage, and embrace what we are given.

These ideas combined with the patience to let things come to you are so important to finding success on the street. Whenever I have gone out looking for a particular photograph I am nearly always frustrated and disappointed. Choosing to enjoy the experience and knowing that getting is all about giving has helped me see and accept what happens. I can’t make things happen. It is my job to release enough to be able to see and then I can make my photos.


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